Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Yeah Yeah Yeah"

I hope this year will be a good year for music.

So far, the two most decent albums I’ve heard are from The Arctic Monkeys and The Flaming Lips and I think The Black Angels' album might be promising.  Combined with the new Radiohead material I’ll be hearing in May, insha’Allah, this year certainly does have potential.

I am seriously tempted to start up my own podcast and inflict my inspiring tastes upon the unsuspecting public, but I don’t think I have the energy to get legal permission from all the record companies before using their tracks; so it’s currently a moot point.  Maybe one day….

Anyways, I’ve finally seen the light and realised how absolutely amazing Bob Dylan’s early work is.  I managed to get copies of “Blonde On Blonde”, “Bringing It All Back Home”, “Highway 61 Revisited” and “Blood On The Tracks” and I think they’re astounding.  He really did have a way with words back in the day.  Not so sure about the more recent material though, truth be told.  I am somewhat angry I didn’t discover his work earlier in life; but better late than never, eh?  Favourite Dylan track: Subterranean Homesick Blues.

Coincidentally, the day I received those Dylan albums was the same day I got hold of the Flaming Lips’ “At War With The Mystics”.  I went home, switched on the TV, and found the Lips doing a parody video of Subterranean Homesick Blues, with cue cards and everything.

It must be fate.


Blogger Monkey Chops said...

I feel so used.

6:32 PM  

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