Saturday, January 07, 2006

Oh man Please do not suck...

…As it were.

I was, of course, referring to this blog entry. I hope for it to be the first of many. This is supposed to be an introduction to what the blog ‘Mind-Farts’ was going to be about (for a definition, skip to the seventh paragraph. You impatient lout). Yet the truth is, there is no plan and the more I think about it, the more excited I get about how that much that could mean as a result.

Y’see, I have read some awe-inspiring blogs in my time (example? - the Moz Boondoggle) and I’ve constantly asked myself whether I could write anything even remotely as interesting as others in the blogging fraternity. The truth is, I cannot. There is absolutely no way my life and my thoughts could possibly be as interesting, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try.

I don’t really want to go the route in this, my first post, of describing who I am, what I like, and all that jazz. Assuming you don’t already know me: I hope, instead, that my upcoming posts will provide the insight you (hopefully) crave. If you didn’t, why are you reading this? Having said that, I see no harm in sharing a little bit about where I am in my life at this point in time, for the sake of understanding the context of whatever I write in the future.

I am on a post-graduate course in Oxford, training to be a solicitor. I have about six months left, after which I hope to have gained a Legal Practice Course qualification. Following on from that, I hope, insha’Allah, to train with a law firm for two years before I can confidently say I am a qualified solicitor. These facts by no means define me as a person, I grant you that, but it’s something, isn’t it?

However, as a ground rule I have set myself, I intend to never be too personal, because I have already occupied another section of cyberspace to discuss that malarkey and, in all seriousness, it will bore you to death. Instead, I hope to simply share what I like to call ‘mind-farts’. You’ve probably heard the term before, but I want to provide my own definition.

Essentially a mind-fart, to me, is the need to release a thought, or idea of whatever is collecting in my head, into the world. ‘Better out than in’ will be the philosophy and mantra behind whatever I intend to post, irrespective of content, implications and agreeability. There will not necessarily be a coherent structure to what I have written, because I am not writing an essay. Despite this, I am allowing comments to be posted, which is probably a mistake the size of Jade Goody, but we live in a democracy (or, at least I do) and everyone should have the right to say what they think, even if they will probably be wrong.

Anyway… let the games begin!

Monkey Chops


Blogger Desi Monkey said...

"All that jazz"... You sound like Shabina... :s

7:46 PM  
Blogger Monkey Chops said...

...because she invented the term, right? ;)

12:17 AM  

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